Mathematical applications and taking maths to a career level goes very unnoticed, specially to students as myself that come from a less experienced background or parents not attending university. It restricted me to have a very small vision for what I could be in the future. I used to be one of the students that would question why we are even learning maths - other than knowing how much money I owe to pay the shop keeper for my groceries. Only the front line careers that I would encounter on my day to day routine were visible aspirations, an example being I have never once came across an actuary to understand its role. The perception of what studying maths meant only became clear after I started my degree. Why is this?
Why was it not introduced what it means to be the first female fields medal winner when I clearly understood what it means to be the first person on the moon.
Why is Actuarial Science a subject even professionals are unaware of in the workplace?
Why is it that I get questioned again ‘But what is it exactly that you are studying in university?’ or ‘Oh - so you will be a maths teacher?’ when I answer I am studying mathematics?
Why is it at every STEM networking event or session I attend, the only guest speakers are from predominantly IT, Physics or Engineering backgrounds? Where did Maths go? With the data below showing so many individuals entering this field and acknowledging maths is everywhere (there is not one company that would be where it stands or model that has not been approved without a mathematician modelling and checking statistics to analyse the risks, profit or level of assurance) I fail to understand where are these role models and why they are not here with these guests sharing their journey and achievements?

*Image above has been obtained by
Despite the percentage of women in mathematics being quite high relative to the other STEM fields, there is seen to show a steady decline, supported by the statistics below, so there is a need to improve.
Not even beginning to tackle to problem of less represented women in this field, I was placed so many hurdles with simply studying mathematics. This needs to go!