A dream ... A vision ... A platform ... a journey to success.
It began on a cold winters evening, on the usual University day.
As I began my mathematics degree, I began to look for where I can get involved. There were opportunities, one after another, to volunteer and take part for which getting involved meant exploring something new. This explored from representing the University at a TEENTech event to attending the STEM Women event in Birmingham.
This passion was supported by my Professor, now head of student support, Professor Jeremy Levesley at the University of Leicester, who believed its a great idea to build on supporting the university students on this idea.
The importance of encouraging women in such a field has always been crucial and so the platform emerged - Women in Maths. To find out more on the thought behind this, check out the BlogPost Why?

The journey had begun. (See logo on the right)
After several events, in person and now held online, it is only aiming to go further and further.
Now, after a rollercoaster of a year, its time to lift off the ground once again - with a rebranding, new social platforms and a website!

What do you think?
Opportunities - Change - Success