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Profile: Shamia Sanjania

1. What is your current role as a mathematician? I am current a second year BSc Mathematics student, studying at the University of Leicester. During my first year, not knowing what being a mathematician meant to me, I took upon the role of the Student Lead of Diversity and STEM Champion in Mathematics which got me exploring several opportunities of further community engagement. This then lead to a build up of further interest to give back and support other young girls into this field and hence foundering this platform, Women in Maths. Additional to this, I began the role of a Lead Mentor in my department as I enjoyed setting up induction and transition for students coming into their first year.

A further role I took upon was becoming the only undergraduate female to join the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Early Careers Mathematician Committee to voice my opinions out into the wider mathematical community. I have also begun to adventure out further, having a say on several platforms for the stance I hold and have also been featured in the campaign for 1 Million Women in STEM.

2. Why did you chose to study maths? I have always enjoyed challenging myself to new ways of thinking and for whatever seemed impossible, I was keen to make it possible.

I’ve never thought about maths being a degree course I would study, but I have always been very passionate to break stereotypes and pursue a career in a STEM field as a women. For this reason, simply to keep my options open, I chose to study maths at A level. It was a comfortable subject for me as I generally did quite well in it. It was during this journey that I actually developed my love for maths. I was introduced to the wonders of mathematical application in the real world for which then inspired my creative mindset to consider developing my journey further by studying maths.

3. What you most enjoy about your role? I love how studying mathematics gives me endless possibilities and the ability to create my own path. Beginning my journey with mathematics, I have been able develop myself further as a person by not only gaining fantastic mathematic and computational skills but also employability skills to allow me to strive for greater success. Studying at Leicester has allowed me to grow the little further and begin networking with people in industries.

My role in the several different organisations gave me the opportunity to take leadership and hold events to inspire current and younger females into mathematics and into its applications in the real world. Being the STEM champion, I got several networking opportunities such as chairing and speaking at a 16+ Conference with the IMA and being able to give a lecture and hold a workshop with the students at Northampton Academy.

4. What are the common misconceptions about mathematics that need to be overcome? Initially studying maths at secondary school, I used to question why we are learning maths other than knowing how much money I owe to pay the shop keeper for my groceries.

Mathematical applications go very unnoticed, specially to students as myself that come from a less experienced background or parents not attending university. It restricted me to have a very small vision for what I could be in the future. Only the front line careers that I would encounter on my day to day routine were visible aspirations, an example being- I have never once came across an actuary to understand its role.

For me, the perception of what studying maths meant only became clear after I started my degree. For this reason, I believe only brining light to such fantastic roles, would bring forth the aspirations to the students for routes into these fields. It’s quite a challenge for a 16 year old to understand what it means to be the first fields medal winner than what it means to be the first person on the moon.

5. What defines you other than maths? Overall, I am a very loud, bubbly and chatty person so I like to get involved with anything I get a chance to do. I like volunteering, crafting, baking and eating!

I have very high ambitions and crazy daredevil goals which has so far allowed me to indoor skydive, kiss a butterfly and ride a quadbike in the dessert safari!

Other than that, I have a part time job in retail which allows me to explore the world of work and network with a range of different people.

6. Any inspirational quotes for you. She believed she could, so she did. – R.S. Grey




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