1. What is your current role as a mathematician?
I have done my Masters in Maths in 2019 and after that I did my bachelor in Education with pedagogical subjects Maths and Science. I worked for one year as a Assistant Professor. Currently, I'm providing tutions.
2. Why did you chose to study maths?
When I was in grade 6, I got a teacher, who instead of clearing our doubts used to taunt us and even his teaching method was not appropriate. As a result, I ended up failing in mathematics. I was greatly hurt and this guilt pushed me to do better in maths. From the very next year, I started practising maths more and more. It became my habit and I was topper in maths in my school in grade 10 and 12 . This made me fall in love with mathematics.
3. What did you most enjoy about your role?
I enjoy making children love maths by trying to teach them in a easy way and linking it with real life problems.
4. What are the common misconceptions about mathematics that need to be overcome?
1 - During grade 9 10, children think maths is difficult, but it's quite easy and interesting .
2 - While opting maths in masters, children think maths is easy but in actual, it's totally out in space. It's totally unrealistic. 5. What defines you other than maths?
Would it be inappropriate to say that I have no hobbies? I usually waste time and do work at eleventh hour.
6. Any inspirational quotes for you.
"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." By Toni Morrison