1. What is your role at the university? I was a course representative for 1st year mathematics and recently I was voted to carry on my role into the second year. 2. Why did you chose to study maths? When I was in school, I wanted to be a lawyer, then a month later I wanted to be a meteorologist and then another month later I wanted to be a wedding planner or decorator and a part time orthopaedic surgeon. I could never choose what path to follow and which doors to close. This left me unsure with what I wanted to do after my A-Levels, so I decided to do a degree in which I could have a job anywhere in the world and leave as many doors open giving me flexibility to change careers. I wouldn't say I'm a 'maths person' or 'nerdy' or 'love integration' but rather someone trying to take advantage of every opportunity and being good at decision making.
3. What you most enjoy about your role?
I absolutely love talking to people! I can't get enough of it. I love to engage with my peers especially over a cup of coffee.
4. What are the common misconceptions needed to be overcome?
When studying maths at A-Level you are taught a method and then you are told to repeat this 100s of times until you can do it with your eyes shut. You get marks for remembering the "+ c" and showing your working out. As for degree level maths we focus on problem solving and logical thinking; often "the answer" does not matter but the approach and methodology and reasoning matters. Explaining why this is 'right' or how to show something is 'right'.
5. What defines you other than maths? I do ballroom dancing and compete for Leicester. I am an artist - my favourite paints are oils. I play the piano. I love travelling and I am planning a trip to Japan.